My first choice for the yeast strain was Wyeast's Brett Lambicus, known for its pie cherry qualities. Unable to get it in time for the brewday, I decided to mess with the tropical fruit character of White Labs' Brett Brux Trois. As in the past, I included a short period of sour worting before the boil to lower the pH and thus encourage the yeast to move toward the funky side during fermentation (though I'm getting to the point with the process that I may try acid malt or adding lactic acid instead in the future; they'd be a lot less labour intensive ways and could get close to the same result). Also to push for more funk, this batch saw no temperature control; ambient temp was pretty reasonable when we left town, and as the summer progresses, the higher temps may coax more interesting (or possibly terrible) compounds out of the fermentation process. We'll find out what magic took place in about a month.
Brett Love I
Batch size: 5.5 gallons
Projected OG: 1.092
Projected SRM: 16.8
Projected IBU: 23.2
Boil time: 90 minutes
Brewhouse efficiency: 81%
41.2% - 7 lb Malteurop 2-row
29.4% - 5 lb Weyermann Pils
11.8% - 2 lb Weyermann Organic Vienna
8.8% - 1.5 lb Dingemans Aromatic
2.9% - 8 oz Weyermann Caramunich II
5.9% - 1 lb D-90 syrup (end of primary)
.6 oz Magnum (14.6%) (90 min)
WY5526 Brett Lambicus - yeast cake
WLP644 Brettanomyces Bruxellensis Trois - 2-qt starter
1 tsp Yeast nutrient (10 min)
1 lb Dried currants (end of primary)
1 oz Bourbon-soaked 2nd-use oak cubes (end of primary)
Water additions (mash)
3 gal RO water
1 g Gypsum
Brewday: 22 May 2013
Mash: 156F for 60 minutes.
Pre-sour SG: 15P (1.061)
Sour worted for 7.5 hours.
Post-boil OG (w/o D-90 syrup): 20.6P (1.086)
Started at 63F ambient; left to ferment at summer ambient temps (probably 80F+) for 3 months.
End of primary: 19 August 2013
SG: 9.4P (measured) - corrected 1.007
Added D-90 syrup, currants (rinsed in Star San to remove oils), and oak.
Should’ve moved to a 5-gal secondary & racked on top to be able to reuse the big carboy and avoid oxidizing, but oh well.
2 September 2013: Restart of fermentation has been slow, but today there’s been a lot more airlock activity. At this point the currants have swelled and are floating.
Bottled: 12 October 2013
FG: 1.013
ABV: 10.4%
Bottled with 5 oz table sugar and rehydrated champagne yeast.