Pretty no-frills grain bill: working through my trusty bag of Malteurop 2-row, accented with equal parts aromatic and crystal 20L (I have a seemingly never-ending stock of the stuff from a long-ago group bulk buy). Denny's Favorite 50 went back in the carboy on sugar-to-alcohol conversion duties. For the centerpiece for this beer, I went back to experimenting with a couple new (to me) hops: Chinook, a classic American "C" hop known for its powerful bittering and sharp taste; and Ahtanum, a newish variety with a noted citrus aroma. These were supplemented by old standby Centennial. Overall, I was aiming for an easygoing, moderately bitter, hop forward beer.
I was very happy to get out the brew setup again, though I have some new equipment that didn't get a chance to play this time. This one was fermented pretty cool; it might have been nice to push up the temperature a bit and increase the esters, but as is it should let the hops really shine. The aroma from the airlock has been sweet, perfumey, and overall wonderful. I'll be moving this one for a short stay in secondary on top of the dry hops, then into bottles in pretty short order; it'd be a shame to let any of those tasty aromatics dissipate.
Short Notice Pale
Batch size: 5 gallons
Projected OG: 1.050
Projected SRM: 8.0
Projected IBU: 36.1
Boil time: 70 minutes
Brewhouse efficiency: 86%
75.0% - 6 lb 2 row
12.5% - 1 lb Aromatic
.4 oz Centennial (8.7%) (FWH)
.4 oz Chinook (11.8%) (60 min)
.3 oz Chinook (15 min)
.5 oz Ahtanum (4.5%) (10 min)
.8 oz Centennial (dry hop - 5 days)
.6 oz Ahtanum (dry hop - 5 days)
.4 oz Chinook (dry hop - 5 days)
WY1450 Denny’s Favorite 50 (1 qt starter)
1 tsp Irish moss (10 min)
Water additions (mash)
6 qts RO water
1 g Gypsum
1 g Epsom salt
Brewday: 5 February 2012
Mash: 154F for 60 minutes
Pre-boil volume: 6.1 gallons
Pre-boil SG: 10.3P (1.041)
Fermented in brew closet at 57-60F ambient. Activity 18 hours after pitching.
11 February 2012: Brought out to main area at 65F ambient to finish out.
Secondary: 17 February 2012
Bottled: 23 February 2012
FG: 1.013
ABV: 4.8%
Bottled with 4 oz table sugar.
Tasting: Did not turn out, unfortunately. It's been a while, but I recall some overwhelming off-flavour. Need to get on doing regular tasting notes! Will have to give Ahtanum another shot so I can get a handle on what it has to offer.
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