On to the grain prep. It started with a pound and a half of organic flaked "quick" oats from Whole Foods. The web and homebrew forums (and perennial favourite text Radical Brewing) offer plenty of information on giving grains a light toasting; a slightly deeper colour and mouth-watering, nutty, "oatmeal cookie" smell was pretty easy to achieve. But what about the roasted-grain colour and character for the GF version? For this, I set out to roast a small amount of quick oats to that chocolate or roasted barley level required for the right look and taste for a stout. The oat-based beer was going to be a 2-gallon test batch as it was, so just a half pound of roasted oats struck me as plenty for this outing. I found instructions on home roasting barley to chocolate malt or roasted barley levels; given the thickness of the oats I toned down the temps at first, but in the end moved into the suggested range, which yielded the proper results (along with smoke starting to billow from the oven, as the instructions promised). The roasted oats ended up a bit lighter in colour than I'd hoped, but definitely have the right acrid, coffee-ish aroma. I'm confident that they'll also give me my desired SRM; if it ends up on the brown side, though, I'll add a bit of coffee to enhance all aspects of this stout. Both sets of toasted/roasted grains were given a minimum of two weeks to mellow before they were allowed anywhere near a beer; the "young" charred flavours and aromas of these grains can easily overwhelm a batch, so they require proper time to come into balance.
I'm looking forward to brewing the "regular" oatmeal stout later today. I miscalculated on my LHBS's supplies for the GF version, though; it seems they don't stock oat malt, so the test batch will have to wait for now. If this works out, I may have a great way to keep my wife in beverages of her choice during the coming months of dark and cold.
Toasted oats
-Thick layer (1.5 lbs) @ 350F for ~2 hours
-Turned every 15 min
-Wt reduced by .7 oz by the end
-Deep golden colour, "oatmeal cookie" aroma while toasting
"Roasted" oats
-Thinner layer (8 oz)
-350F for 2.5 hours, 450F for 40 minutes
-Turned every 15-20 minutes
-Wt reduced by .5 oz by the end
-Chocolate colour, similar to Cocoa Pebbles, honestly; burnt, acrid odour by the end, accompanied by smoke
Both batches left to air out for 2+ weeks
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