After the success of the first
session sour last year, a couple friends of ours commissioned a second batch. Given how much I enjoyed this bracing sour cherry beer myself, I was happy to oblige. The recipe is essentially the same, just scaled up to a six-gallon batch. I'd considered adding a couple packs of organic frozen cherries to supplement the concentrate, but when the time came I just upped the concentrate amount. More cherry flavour? Oh darn.
There were a couple slight process changes. After doing more research on Brett in primary, and considering the larger batch size this time, I made a starter for my Wyeast Brett L pack. Due to our busy schedules, the mash unintentionally sat doing its thing for nearly a full day; while the aroma coming from the mashtun had started to take on a bit of "stank," the wort tasted fine and the smell dissipated with the sparge and cleaning afterward. In addition, the sour worting
stretched out to a full day and a half for this pass. Again, this wasn't the original plan, but just how it worked out. The bottles will tell for sure, but I hope that the lacto sourness won't be too much for the beer. On a positive note, the boil didn't have any of the overfoaming issues I've had on sour worted batches in the past.
As one of our friends is moving at the end of May, this will be bottled earlier than I'd prefer; as you can see in the photo below, it's just begun to grow a fine, cruddy pellicle. No use crying over spilled beer, though; I'm currently thinking on what I'd like to put on top of the Brett cake to develop some cherry pie funk over the summer.
Session Sour II - rebrew for Gabe & Larry
Batch size: 6 gallons
Projected OG (w/o cherry): 1.041
Projected SRM: 12.3
Projected IBU: 4.7
Boil time: 60 minutes
Brewhouse efficiency: 91%
80.0% - 7 lb Malteurop 2-row
13.3% - 1 lb Aromatic
6.7% - 8 oz Special B
.3 oz Willamette (4.7%) (60 min)
1 qt Lacto starter
3.5 l starter WY5526 Brettanomyces Lambicus (stirplate) (10 days ahead - 7 ferment/3 crash)
-both started 3 Feb 2013
1 tsp Yeast nutrient (10 min)
16 24 fl oz Montmorency cherry concentrate (post primary fermentation)
1.25 lb Organic whole frozen cherries with pits (post primary fermentation) Not this time
Water additions (mash)
5 qts RO water
Brewday: 17 February 2013
Mash: 9 qts @ 156F for 20 hours! Top started to scum over and get stinky, but wort was still worty sweet. Temp dropped to 83F over that time.
1st sparge: 10 qts @ 212F
2nd sparge: 10 qts @ 212F
3rd sparge: 4 qts @ 212F
Pre-boil volume: 7 gallons
Brett starter took several days to show activity, but it eventually got going. Crash cooled for about a week before brewing.
Cooled runnings to 112F & pitched lacto starter. Plastic wrap over the wort. Kept warm for 37.5 hours, then boiled as usual.
Fermented at 63F ambient.
9 March 2013: 24 fl oz cherry concentrate added, fermenter agitated. Considering 25 lbs fruit per bottle, recalculated OG is 1.058
9 April 2013: Has developed a nice thin pellicle over the last few days.
2 September 2013: Transferred to secondary (5-gal carboy & 1-gal jug, actually) before leaving for the summer. Respectable pellicle has formed in each. Looking to bottle within the month.
Bottled: 12 October 2013FG: 1.010
ABV: 6.3%
Sample was excellent: tangy sourness, with big, juicy fruit unfolding in the finish. Probably even better than the first batch.
Bottled with 5.1 oz table sugar and rehydrated champagne yeast.