DeAunn's enjoyed getting to know the worlds of cider and mead, and in general her preferences land on the semi-dry side of both. My first cyser finished a little drier than intended but was a big hit. The present batch adds in another of her favourites, cherries. While normally I aim for a larger volume of fruit, I'm counting on the (again, for me) extended contact time, especially with the pits, to add more character. I'm hoping to bottle this soon--later today, if time and my pile of homework conspire to allow it--so I should have more information on how it's turned out in the near future.
Cherry Cyser
Projected OG: 1.113
Volume: 2 gallons
1 gallon Big B's Organic Cider
5 lb Cox Honeyland Honey
20 oz Organic frozen cherries
WLP775 English Cider
Extras (boil)
1 tsp Yeast nutrient (10 min)
1 tsp Yeast energizer (10 min)
Brewday: 3 January 2013
Fermented at 60F ambient.
SNA added at 24 hours - 1 tsp each yeast nutrient and yeast energizer
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