Date: 10 May 2015
Venue: Home (Sparks, NV)
Appearance - Hazy golden orange. Medium bubbles collect at the top of the glass, creating a dense, lasting foam stand that leaves a bit of lace.
Smell - Perfume, a little soap, and pear. Maybe a bit of orange. Some spice in the background. Very low hop aroma.
Taste - Dry & spicy; clove, flowery, light fruit (pear again?). Finishes with a solid phenolic kick that definitely says saison. The yeast really shines here. Hint of malt in the back. Nice & clean.
Mouthfeel - Lively, prickly carbonation, but the body is still medium full; thanks, rye malt!
Overall - My early reservations disappeared with age. Spice & phenolics are right on. Maybe I'd go for more malt and/or fruity ester character, but I'm very happy with this simple recipe and looking forward to more saison brewing.
Judges' comments:
"Fruity aroma with some grainy maltiness, peppery aroma also. Very high carbonation makes it tingle in the nose."
Appearance - "Golden color, white rocky head that persists..."
"Great color and appearance. Head is a little thinner that I'd like to see, but is persistent."
Flavor - "A bit of sweet graininess in the front, followed with a lot of acid from carbonation. Pineapple. Some nice hop bitterness that lingers. Some spice pops through."
"Spicy flavor with some low hop bittering and flavor, no tartness in flavor. Dry finish by the hop bittering lingers..."
Mouthfeel - "Medium body, high carbonation, no astringency, no tartness, no alcohol warming."
"Carbonation is high, almost too high."
Overall - "Very tasty. High carbonation makes it appear very dry and with the lingering hops it seems a bit too bitter for the style..."
"...Clean with peppery phenols but balanced. Seems a little higher hop rates but still very drinkable..."
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